Thursday, February 2, 2012

There is a peaceful rhythm in this amazing country. Waking with the only agenda for the day to be present moment by moment. After very sketchy wifi today I'm hoping I can get this up. Sitting under my mosquito net, feels like camping Out of Africa style. Weather is hot andnvery dry with wind swirling red dust everywhere. Made an appointment with the chief nurse at the big teaching hospital in a couple of weeks, to check out their  Fistula Program.  Went to the project to visit with the women & make"bead soup" for the trim on the baskets.  Stopped by the market near home to pick up ingredients so I could cook the family dinner(yes Amy I cooked) stir fried brown rice with lots of veggies and eggs, it was a hit! even the kids came back for seconds. I taught Ruth how to make fruit smoothies and she is having fun trying out all the different fruit combos from the local fruit/veggie stalls.  Tomorrow they have called a meeting at Rehoboth with me as the guest speaker, hopefully to encourage the women and present ways for them to grow and become the training center we have all envisioned. Will be up early tomorrow and off to the market for beads and dye. Need to leave the girls well stocked as I am taking their manager Ruth from them all next week as we travel north to Nakuru, Kisumu, Eldoret and Isiolo. It all seems to be falling into place. My favorite driver(Victor) is available so Ruth & I will be able to go on our own.  Looking forward to spending time with her as we see how the week unfolds. Hopefully visiting a couple of hospitals, the AIDs support group that we have visited in the past and then  two or three days in the Umoja Women's Village.
We had a fun afternoon yesterday, took two of the women, Monica & Jane, to the Mennonite Guest house so they could teach their first basket weaving 101 class to some of the guest, even the guys got into it and the girl got quite a kick out of that. They did a great job and I was very proud of them for being willing to try something new especially with musungo's (that's us white guys). We charged per guest so the girls made a little money and sold a set of nesting baskets as well.  They seemed pleased.

Well my friends thats it for tonight, will post more later wifi permitting:-)

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